
Monday 26 August 2013

Beverly and Melvin Embarrasse​d By The BBA Host, IK

Beverly’s hyperactive behaviour on stage after she was evicted from the big brother house, got to I.K, the host of BBA, so badly that he could not help but embarrass her on stage.

Beverly, who came on the runway acting like she’s on a stimulant, to cheer up with her fellow Nigerian contestant Melvin when she was not called to, had I.K scream on her with words like,”Babe will you go and sit down.”This obviously sent shivers to her spines that she immediately went to take calm.

It wasn’t just Beverly who was embarrassed by I.K on the night, Melvin also was, when he hugged the winner of the Big Brother prize money, Dilish and was told by I.K, ”Don’t try to kiss her, her man is here.”

Uhmmm! Could the act by I.K be termed somewhat jealousy? What a night of embarrassment.

Culled: Nigeriafilms

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